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Concessions Closing Procedures

  • Monitor game progress to determine when it is appropriate to start closing. After the 6th
    inning, if the score allows, someone can start dishes. As we start cleaning up, we can
    keep selling drinks/candy/chips.

  • If there is a large amount of cheese and chili leftover, you can put them back in their
    cans, place lids on them, write date on the top and place in the fridge. If the warmers are
    less than half full, go ahead and dump them in the trash

  • Unplug cheese/chili warmers and removes cans…wash and leave to dry on the drying

  • Once warmer is cooled, dump water in sink and wipe down. Never submerge warmer in

  • Popcorn machine

    • Any excess popcorn can be thrown away. Turn off machine, unplug, and wipe

    • Unplug and remove kettle and wipe down…pay attention how you remove it so
      you can put it back together.

  • Extra bagged popcorn and hotdogs can be given to the players and coaches.

  • Hotdog machine must be wiped down by taking a clean wet towel and cleaning each
    roller while rollers are still turning, but heat is off. Remove drip pan and wash in sink.
    When finished unplug the machine.

  • After cleaning dishes and utensils with soap, set to the side on the drying towel and let air

  •  Restock all drinks and chips

  • Place all chocolate in fridge

  • Place all condiments back in fridge

  • Wipe down all surfaces with clorox wipes

  • Count money

    • Two people need to count money separately to be accountable. Use closing sheet
      to record money. Separate start up money (listed on closing sheet) and place
      that money in money bag. Remaining money needs to be placed in other bag
      with closing sheet and both money bags are to be given to a booster member or
      a concession coordinator.

  • Sweep floors

  • Leave dirty towels on floor next to sink, if they are just wet but still clean, hang over sink
    to dry.

  • Take out all trash and set outside the concession door

  • If we are low on anything let the concession coordinators know

  • Turn off lights and make sure door is locked behind you.

  • Concession coordinators:
    **Baseball: Carrie Alvarez 214-205-1139
    **Softball coordinators: Gloria Martinez 214-662-7227 and Theresa Lopez 469-235-4993

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